Saturday, January 24, 2009

pp protest?

About a mile south of the theater on MLK there is a Planned Parenthood being built. While at the theater today we witnessed a protest march going down MLK against Planned Parenthood. The thing that struck me as funny about the anti Planned Parenthood protest was a sign one person was carrying which read, "Planned Parenthood Promotes Pills, Promiscuity and STD's".
Really? I'm all for standing up for what you believe in, but come on... try to be smart about it. Planned Parenthood Promotes those things? and STD doesn't even start with the letter P. Try harder next time.


Scott(y) said...

I know when I was in Planned Parenthood I was always getting heavy peer pressure to try the dope and sleep around alot.

Wait...maybe that was college.

Anonymous said...

They could have included Pap Smears on the sign to keep the alliteration going but that wouldn't have really helped with the purpose of their march I guess.